L’âme est une chose si impalpable, si souvent inutile et quelquefois si gênante, que je n’éprouvai, quant à cette perte, qu’un peu moins d’émotion que si j’avais égaré, dans une promenade, ma carte de visite.
The soul is such an intangible thing, so often useless and sometimes so embarrassing, that its loss occasioned me slightly less emotion than if, while out for a walk, I had left behind my visiting card.
Charles Baudelaire

born Meir Eshel
Ashdod, Israel, 1964–Paris, 1993
Designed by Marie-Ange Guilleminot, original screen-printed 1993 Collection Museum of Mistakes, Brussels
Courtesy of the Estate of Absalon, Israel

Anni Albers
Berlin, 1899–Orange, CT, 1994
Josef Albers
Bottrop, Germany, 1888–New Haven, CT, 1976
Designed by the artists, unrealized project [after 1933], unprinted
Collection and courtesy of the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation (Josef Albers papers), Bethany, CT

Geneva, * 1948
Designed by the artist, original printed early 1990s Collection Sylvie Fleury, Geneva
Courtesy of the artist, Geneva

Iain Baxter&
Middlesbrough, England, * 1936
Designed by the artist, original printed 1976 Collection FRAC Bretagne, Rennes Courtesy of the artist, Windsor, Canada

Winterthur, Switzerland, 1908–Berlin, 1994
Designed by the artist at Bauhaus, Dessau, original printed 1927–28 Collection and copyright max bill georges vantongerloo stiftung, Zurich
© 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich

Vienna, 1898–Vienna, 1972
Designed by the artist, original printed after 1936
Collection and courtesy of MAK, Museum of Applied Arts, Library and Prints Collection (Nachlass Joseph Binder), Vienna

Paris, 1928–Paris, 2017
Original addressed to Julien Alvard, c. 1951
Collection Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Fonds Julien Alvard), Centre Pompidou, Paris Courtesy of the artist, Paris

born Marie-Rosalie Bonheur
Bordeaux, 1822–Thomery, France, 1899
Original undated, printed late 19th century
Collection and courtesy of
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Schang Collection of Visiting Cards), New York

Lochem, Netherlands, * 1960
Logo designed by Rem Koolhaas, original printed 2013 Courtesy of the artist, Amsterdam
© OMA AMO / 2023 Pro Litteris, Zurich

Paris, 1829–Levallois-Perret, France, 1903
Original engraved by the artist,
late 19th century
Collection and copyright Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Hobița, Romania, 1876–Paris, 1957
Original undated [1920s]
Collection Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Fonds Brancusi), Centre Pompidou, Paris Copyright Succession Brancusi, Paris

Brussels, 1924–Cologne, 1976
Original printed c. 1966
Copyright Marcel Broodthaers Estate, Brussels Courtesy of Maria Gilissen, Brussels

Possagno, Italy, 1757–Venice, 1822
Fuori dall’Arena (Out of the Arena), engraved by Pietro Fontana, original printed 18th century Collection Museum of Mistakes, Brussels

born Emmanuel Poiré
Moscow, 1858–Paris, 1909
Private collection, Geneva
Courtesy of Lena-Lou Monteduro, Geneva

born Adolphe Mouron
Kharkov, Ukraine, 1901–Paris, 1968 Original printed c. 1940
Collection Bibliothèque nationale de France (Département des Arts du spectacle, Albums émile Bertin), Paris Copyright cassandre.fr
Courtesy of Roland Mouron, Paris

founded in 1760, today André Chenue S. A.
Engraving, original printed after 1802
Collection and courtesy of MAK, Museum of Applied Arts, Library and Prints Collection, Vienna

born Iris Athanassiadis
Athens, 1918–Cannes, 1986
Original screen-printed 1961
Collection Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Fonds Iris Clert), Centre Pompidou, Paris

Paris, * 1963
Designed by the artist, original printed 2006 Courtesy of the artist, Paris

St. Gallen, Switzerland, * 1935
Designed by the artist, original stamped after 1994 Courtesy of the artist, Vufflens-
le-Château, Switzerland

born Sara Ilinitchna Stern
Hradyzk, Ukraine, 1885–Paris, 1979
Original addressed to Constantin Brancusi after 1950
Collection Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Fonds Brancusi), Centre Pompidou, Paris

Fondo, Italy, 1892–Rovereto, Italy, 1960
Designed by the artist, original printed 1929
Collection Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto, Archivio del ‘900 (Fondo Depero), Rovereto, Italy Copyright MART, Rovereto. © 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich

Blainville-Crevon, France, 1887–Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, 1968
Addressed to Max Bergmann with a pencil-drawn map to Duchamp’s house on the back, c. 1907 Collection and courtesy of Klaus-Peter and Rita Bergmann, Otterhausen, Germany.
© Association Marcel Duchamp / 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich

Hope, ME, 1812–Camden, ME, 1891
Original calligraphed in the 1870s
Collection and courtesy of Michael J. Moore, Atlanta

Paris, * 1934
Designed by Nathalie Du Pasquier for her mother, original printed 1983 Courtesy of Nathalie Du Pasquier, Milan

documentation céline duval
Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France, * 1974
Designed by Rik Bas Backer, photograph by Pierre Leguillon, original printed 2000 Collection Museum of Mistakes, Brussels
Courtesy of the artist, Houlgate, France

Zeist, Netherlands, * 1965
Designed by the artist, original printed 1989 Courtesy of the artist, Geneva

Bolton, England, * 1975
Designed by the artist, original printed 1998 Collection Museum of Mistakes, Brussels Courtesy of the artist, London

Iain Baxter&
Middlesbrough, England, * 1936
Designed by the artist, original printed 1976 Collection FRAC Bretagne, Rennes Courtesy of the artist, Windsor, Canada

Detroit, * 1938
Designed by the artist, original printed 2000 Courtesy of the artist, Valencia, CA

Paris, * 1972
Designed by Claude Closky, original printed 2006 Courtesy of Claude Closky, Paris

Geneva, * 1961
Designed by the artist, original printed c. 1998 Courtesy of the artist, Geneva

Emilie Louise Flöge, 1874–1952, along with sisters Helene and Pauline
Haute couture fashion salon in operation between 1904 and 1938, Vienna
Designed by Gustav Klimt, original printed before 1910
Collection and courtesy of MAK, Museum of Applied Arts, Library and Prints Collection, Vienna

Milan, 1913–Milan, 1988
Designed by the artist, original printed late 1960s Copyright and courtesy
of Immaginazione s.r.l., Milan

Vienna, 1884–Salzburg, 1948
Calligraphy by the artist, original printed before 1926
Collection and courtesy of MAK, Museum of Applied Arts (Wiener Werkstätte Archives), Vienna

born Lene Laschitz
Vienna, 1885–unknown
Calligraphy by Hans Frank, printed in the 1920s
Collection and courtesy of MAK, Museum of Applied Arts (Wiener Werkstätte Archives), Vienna

Nancy, France, 1846–Nancy, France, 1904
Original adressed to Mathias Morhardt, c. 1903
Collection and courtesy of Bibliothèque de Genève (Mathias Morhardt papers), Geneva

Felix Partz
born Ronald Gabe
Winnipeg, Canada, 1945–unknown, 1994 Jorge Zontal
born Slobodan Saia-Levy
Parma, Italy, 1944–Toronto, 1994
AA Bronson
born Michael Tims
Vancouver, * 1946
Original printed by AA Bronson
on the hand press at Coach House Press, Toronto
Prop used in preparations for The 1971 Miss General Idea Beauty Pageant, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, October 1, 1971 Collection National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
Courtesy of AA Bronson, New York

Urbana, IL, 1942–New York, NY, 2022
Designed by Louise Lawler, original printed 1982
Courtesy of the artist, New York, and Louise Lawler, New York

Tournus, France, 1725–Paris, 1805
Original engraved and handwritten late 18th century
Collection and courtesy of
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Schang Collection of Visiting Cards), New York

Berlin, 1883–Cambridge, MA, 1969
Original printed c. 1920
Collection and courtesy of Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin

Anonymous group founded in
New York, 1985
Original undated, printed between 1986 and 1989
Collection and courtesy of The Getty Research Institute (Guerrilla Girls records), Los Angeles Courtesy of the artists

Lyon, 1867–New York, 1942 Original printed after 1925 Private collection, Paris

Saint-Brieuc, France, 1926–Paris, 2005
Original printed in the 1950s
Collection Museum of Mistakes, Brussels
Courtesy of the Estate of Raymond Hains and Thomas Hains, Paris

Reading, PA, 1958–New York, 1990
Original hand-drawn design,
felt-tip marker on Bristol card, 1988
Copyright The Keith Haring Foundation, New York

Vienna, 1886–Limoges, France, 1971 Original printed in Berlin 1920
Private collection, Berlin

born Helmut Herzfeld
Berlin, 1891–East Berlin, 1968 Original printed in Berlin 1920 Private collection, Berlin

Seifersdorf, Germany, 1857–Vienna, 1920
Designed by Moritz Herrgesell [?], original printed 1908
Collection and courtesy of MAK, Museum of Applied Arts (Wiener Werkstätte Archives), Vienna

Linocut by the artist, original printed c. 1915 Collection Museum of Mistakes, Brussels

Montauban, France, 1780–Paris, 1867
Original engraved by Henri Stern in Paris, after 1862
Collection and courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Schang Collection of Visiting Cards), New York

Detroit, 1927– New York, 1995
Original drawing on an existing business card, c. 1968
Collection and courtesy of The Getty Research Institute (Charles Ford papers), Los Angeles

Moscow, 1866–Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, 1944
Original printed c. 1908
Collection Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Fonds Kandinsky), Centre Pompidou, Paris

born Andor Kertész
Budapest, 1894–New York, 1985
Original printed after 1925
Collection and courtesy of Max Renkel, Rome

Dortmund, 1953–Vienna, 1997
Original printed in Japan, 1991 Collection Museum of Mistakes, Brussels

Münchenbuchsee, Switzerland, 1879–Muralto, Switzerland, 1940
Original printed c. 1925
Collection and courtesy of Zentrum Paul Klee (Schenkung Familie Klee), Bern, Switzerland

Münchenbuchsee, Switzerland, 1879–Muralto, Switzerland, 1940
Original printed c. 1930
Collection and courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Schang Collection of Visiting Cards), New York

Nice, 1928–Paris, 1963
Original printed in Madrid c. 1951 Courtesy of the Yves Klein Archives, Paris

Nice, 1928–Paris, 1963
Original printed c. 1954
Courtesy of the Yves Klein Archives, Paris

Nuremberg, 1792–Munich, 1875
Original engraved by the artist, 1814
Collection and courtesy of MAK, Museum of Applied Arts, Library and Prints Collection, Vienna

Piešťany, Slovakia, 1939–Bratislava, 2007
Designed by the artist, original stamped 1965
Courtesy of the Július Koller Estate, Bratislava, and gb agency, Paris

Toledo, OH, * 1945
Designed by the artist, original printed 1968
Collection and copyright The Archives of American Art (Lucy R. Lippard papers), Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

Matsumoto, Japan, * 1929
Original printed in the 1980s
Collection Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Fonds Dominique Bozo), Centre Pompidou, Paris

Landeshut, Prussia (now Kamienna Góra, Poland), 1732–Grüneiche, Poland, 1808 Original printed late 18th century
Collection and copyright Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

born Charles-Édouard Jeanneret
La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, 1887–Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France, 1965 Original printed c. 1917
Private collection, Geneva
Courtesy of Lena-Lou Monteduro, Geneva

Nogent-sur-Marne, France, * 1969
Designed by Rik Bas Backer, photograph by Céline Duval, original printed 2000 Collection documentation céline duval, Houlgate, France
Courtesy of the artist, Brussels

Agency founded December 1987
Installation prop for Jacques Salomon’s Pétition de principe (The petition principle), original printed 1988 Copyright the Estate of readymades belong to everyone®, Paris; Jan Mot, Brussels
Courtesy of Claire Burrus, Paris

alias Larry Bell
Chicago, * 1939
Designed by the artist, original printed 1978 Courtesy of the artist, Taos, NM

Argentan, France, 1881–Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 1955
Original addressed in 1922
Collection Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Fonds Brancusi), Centre Pompidou, Paris Copyright Succession Fernand Léger.
© 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich

Kaunas, Lithuania, 1931–Boston, 1978
Designed by the artist, original printed 1967
Collection and courtesy of Fondazione Bonotto, Molvena, Italy

Paris, 1886–Paris, 1945
Designed by the artist, original printed 1910
Collection The Archives of American Art (John Henry Bradley Storrs papers), Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

Paris, 1832–Paris, 1883
Original printed c. 1879
Collection and courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Schang Collection of Visiting Cards), New York

born Emmanuel Radnitzky
Philadelphia, 1890–Paris, 1976
Original printed c. 1920
Collection Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Fonds Brancusi), Centre Pompidou, Paris

born Meroni Manzoni di Chiosca e Poggiolo
Soncino, Italy, 1933–Milan, 1963
Original printed 1960
Collection and courtesy of Fondazione Piero Manzoni, Milan

San Rafael, CA, * 1955
Designed by the artist, original printed 1978
Collection Valérie Mavridorakis, Paris
Courtesy of Studio Christian Marclay, London

Filippo Tommaso Emilio Marinetti
Alexandria, 1876–Bellagio, Italy, 1944
Original printed 1902
Collection and copyright Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet (Archives de La Plume, Henri Mondor donation), Paris

Mook en Middelaar, Netherlands, * 1939
Stamp designed by the artist and used on a Band-Aid, original created in 2007 Courtesy of the artist, Amsterdam

Le Cateau-Cambrésis, France, 1869 — Nice, 1954
Original printed between 1914 and 1920
Collection and photograph The Metropolitan Museum of Art
(Schang Collection of Visiting Cards), New York
© Succession Matisse / 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich

Berck-sur-Mer, France, * 1943
Designed by the artist to be inserted in popular magazines, original printed 1975 Courtesy of the artist, Malakoff, France

Berck-sur-Mer, France, * 1943
Designed by the artist to be inserted in popular magazines, original printed 1975 Courtesy of the artist, Malakoff, France

born Lucia Schulz
Prague, 1894–Zurich, 1989
Original printed after 1959
Collection and courtesy of Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin

alias Ana Jotta
Lisbon, * 1946
Designed by the artist, original printed c. 2011 Collection Museum of Mistakes, Brussels Courtesy of the artist, Lisbon

born Pieter Mondriaan
Amersfoort, Netherlands, 1872–New York, 1944
Original printed c. 1917, with a pencil-drawn map to Mondrian’s studio on the front Collection Frans Postma, Delft, Netherlands

Paris, * 1969
Original printed in Japan, 2010 Courtesy of the artist, Paris

born Gaspard-Félix Tournachon
Paris, 1820–Paris, 1910
Original printed c. 1896
Collection and courtesy of Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cologny, Switzerland

Los Angeles 1904–New York, 1988
Original printed 1930
Collection and copyright The Archives of American Art (Alexander Calder papers), Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

Peter Fend
Columbus, OH, 1950
Coleen Fitzgibbon
unknown, 1950
Jenny Holzer
Gallipolis, OH, 1950
Peter Nadin
Bromborough, England, 1954 Richard Prince
Panama Canal Zone, 1949
Robin Winters
Benicia, CA, 1950
Designed by the artists, original printed in 1979
Collection Dean Inkster, Montreuil, France

Stockholm, * 1929
Designed by the artist, prop for
The Store, 107 E. 2nd St., New York
Original letterpress printed on pale blue glitter paper, 1961 Copyright the artist, New York
Courtesy of the Oldenburg van Bruggen Studio, New York

Tokyo, * 1933
Designed by George Maciunas for the Flux Year Box 1, original printed 1964 Collection and courtesy of Fondazione Bonotto, Molvena, Italy

Joseph Beuys
Krefeld, Germany, 1921–Dusseldorf, 1986
Designed by the artist for the Organization for Direct Democracy, Dusseldorf, 1971 Collection and courtesy of The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles

Seoul, 1932–Miami, 2006
Designed by George Maciunas for the Flux Year Box 1, original printed 1964 Collection and courtesy of Fondazione Bonotto, Molvena, Italy

Paris, 1879–Paris, 1953
Original printed 1920
Collection The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Schang Collection of Visiting Cards), New York Copyright Succession Francis Picabia, Paris. © 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich

New York, * 1948
My Calling (Card) #1 (for dinners and cocktail parties), performance prop, original printed 1986–1990 Collection Davis Museum of Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Copyright and courtesy of the Adrian Piper Research Archive Foundation, Berlin

New York, * 1948
My Calling (Card) #2 (for bars and discos), performance prop, original printed 1986–1990 Collection Davis Museum of Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Copyright and courtesy of the Adrian Piper Research Archive Foundation, Berlin

Brno, Czech Republic, 1884–Vienna, 1957
Designed and hand-colored by the artist, original printed 1913
Collection and courtesy of MAK, Museum of Applied Arts (Wiener Werkstätte Archives), Vienna

Leipzig, 1818–Radebeul, Germany, 1877
Designed by the artist, original printed c. 1850
Collection and copyright Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Utrecht, 1888–Utrecht, 1964
Designed by the artist, addressed to Gertrude A. Schröder-Schräder, c. 1933
Collection and copyright Centraal Museum, Utrecht, Netherlands. © 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich

Auguste Rodin
Paris, 1840–Meudon, France, 1917 Original dated 1891
Private collection, Geneva
Courtesy of Lena-Lou Monteduro, Geneva

Omaha, NE, * 1937
Designed by Billy Al Bengston, original printed 1968 Courtesy of the Edward Ruscha Studio, Venice, CA

born Willem Jacob Henri Berend Sandberg
Amersfoort, Netherlands, 1897–Amsterdam, 1984
Designed by the artist, original printed late 1930s
Collection Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Fonds Brancusi), Centre Pompidou, Paris

born Éric Satie
Honfleur, France, 1866–Arcueil, France, 1925
Original calligraphed by the artist for Hélène Hoppenot, 1922
Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet (Fonds Henri et Hélène Hoppenot), Paris

Johann Gottfried Schadow
Berlin, 1764–Berlin, 1850
Calligraphy by the artist, original relief print on coated paper based on his handwriting, after 1815 Collection and copyright Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Department of Manuscripts)

Tulln an der Donau, Austria, 1890- Vienna, 1918
Original Printed 1914
Collection and courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Schang Collection of Visiting Cards), New York

Stuttgart, 1888–Baden-Baden, Germany, 1943
Original undated
Collection and courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Schang Collection of Visiting Cards), New York

alias Katja Rose
1905, Bydgoszcz, Poland–1994, unknown Original printed c. 1934
Collection and copyright Bauhaus- Archiv, Berlin

Lisbon, 1888–Lisbon, 1908
Original probably printed 1907
Courtesy of Casa Fernando Pessoa, Lisbon
Facsimile printing courtesy of Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, Délégation en France, Paris

Cortona, Italy, 1883–Paris, 1966
Original printed in the 1940s
Collection Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Fonds Constantin Brancusi), Centre Pompidou, Paris

Appenzell, Switzerland, * 1938
Designed by Bureau Collective, St. Gallen, Switzerland Original printed 2003
Photo Rudolf Steiner
Courtesy of the artist, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Hélène Smith Daggy
born Catherine-élise Müller, known as Hélène Smith
Martigny, Switzerland, 1861–Geneva, 1929
Original undated, printed early 20th century
Collection and copyright The Archives of American Art (Solon H. Borglum and Borglum family papers), Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

Columbus, OH, 1932–New York, 1989
Designed by the artist, original Xeroxed c. 1978 Copyright Jack Smith Estate
Courtesy of Gladstone Gallery, New York and Brussels

alias Heimo Zobernig
Kötschach-Mauthen, Austria, * 1958 Designed by the artist, original printed 1981 Courtesy of the artist, Vienna

Minneapolis, * 1969,
Designed by the artist, original printed c. 1999
Collection and courtesy of Studio Alec Soth, Saint Paul, MN

Gertrude Stein
Allegheny, Pittsburgh, PA, 1874–Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, 1946
Alice B. Toklas
San Francisco, 1877–Paris, 1967
Original printed c. 1910
Collection and copyright Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas papers), Yale University, CT

Bern, Switzerland 1933–Tegna, Switzerland, 2005
Original printed c. 1969
Collection and courtesy of The Getty Research Institute (Harald Szeemann papers), Los Angeles

Davos, Switzerland, 1889–Zurich, 1943
Original printed c. 1930
Collection and copyright Fondation Arp, Clamart, France

Prague, 1900–Prague, 1951
Original printed in Paris in the 1920s
Collection Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Fonds Brancusi), Centre Pompidou, Paris

Milan, * 1942
Photograph by the artist, original printed in the 1990s Collection Max Renkel, Rome
Courtesy of the Oliviero Toscani Studio, Cecina, Italy Copyright the artist. © 2023, ProLitteris, Zurich

born Christiaan Emil Marie Küpper
Utrecht, Netherlands, 1883–Davos, Switzerland, 1931
Original printed c. 1925
Collection Bibliothèque Kandinsky (Fonds Brancusi), Centre Pompidou, Paris

Pavlovsk, Russia, 1897–New York, 1990
Original printed c. 1960
Collection Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum, New York
Copyright Cooper Hewitt; Scala Archives, Florence

Frankfurt am Main, 1749–Weimar, 1832
Original printed between 1791 and 1800
Collection and courtesy of MAK, Museum of Applied Arts, Library and Prints Collection, Vienna

born Andrew Warhola
Pittsburgh, PA, 1928–New York, 1987
Calligraphy by Julia Warhola, original screen-printed in the 1950s
Collection and copyright The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA. © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / 2023
Pro Litteris, Zurich

born Arthur (Usher) Fellig
Zolochiv, Ukraine, 1899–New York, 1968
Original printed c. 1960
Collection and copyright The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA

James Abbott McNeill Whistler Lowell, MA, 1834–London, 1903 Original printed late 19th century Collection and courtesy of
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Schang Collection of Visiting Cards), New York

Zaandijk, Netherlands, 1885–Wassenaar, Netherlands, 1977 Original letterpress printed c. 1977
Collection and courtesy of JP Williams, New York

Vienna, 1890–New York, 1956
Calligraphy by Rudolf Köhl, original printed 1929
Collection and courtesy of MAK, Museum of Applied Arts (Wiener Werkstätte Visitenkarten), Vienna